The World Championship of Tracassets
The steep and winding Creyvavers path, south of the village of Epesses, in all the odd-number years hosts a startling race, the World Championship of Tracassets. This very colourful competition has three events: decoration, speed and gymkhana.
The tracasset is originally from Vaud. The first ones appeared in the area around Perroy in the La Côte region west of Lausanne in the 1950s. The tracasset quickly became popular everywhere on the steep slopes of Lavaux. This relatively recent item is a hybrid that is quite unusual, a cross between a farm tractor and the pétrolette (small scooters) once popular. The tracasset has three wheels, handlebars and a hitch at the back. It is used mainly to haul material in the vineyards in areas where the slope is especially steep. Some women, when they didn’t see their husbands return from the vines at the end of the day would …se tracasset, or worry.